Out With The Old And In With The New

Good bye 2012!  You passed by far too fast but taught me some precious lessons that have deepened my trust in God.  You gave me some amazing moments with my family, immediate and extended, introduced me to inspirational people and you revealed the unexpected in exciting ways.  As wet a year as you were, you’ve left us blessed.  We’ve had some laughs, lows, sad good byes, some challenges, some honours, victories and great moments to store in the memory vault.

Welcome 2013!  We greet you with growing wisdom, only strawberry and orange creams left in the Roses tin, and the hope that you will bring us closer to the finish line of the race set before us.  We will keep on the track and not get distracted.

We enter the third year of leading North Coast Church and I am reminded of 2  Kings 19:29b

“But in the third year sow and reap, plant vineyards and eat their fruit.”

2013 – a year of new planting and sowing, reaping new fruit and good eating!

About deerfeet

I am a home-educating mother of four children. We live on a small holding in Wales and my husband is active in local politics and the lead pastor of our church, Festival Church.
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3 Responses to Out With The Old And In With The New

  1. Lilian says:

    Happy New Year! It always surprises me that the strawberry and orange cremes so often get left in the tin – they’re my favourites! (Or are you all just very self-disciplined?) 🙂

  2. What Lilian said – I love the orange cremes! Or were you speaking metaphorically?

  3. deerfeet says:

    Oo! No! Least favourites. Wish you were here to eat them all!

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